Tech We Love: Openpath

Last year we were finishing the construction of our new headquarters. During this process we needed to pick an access control solution (physical door system) that gave us more flexibility.

Openpath was exactly what we were looking for. It provided a cloud based door locking system that allowed us to have touchless entry, ditching the cards and using our phones to authenticate to unlock doors. Once the system identified we should be allowed in, you can just waive your hand over the door sensors and they would unlock.

In addition, the system allowed us to let people in remotely using the app which made receiving deliveries far more convenient as less people were in the office. Openpath also integrates with active directory, which makes it easier to track users and allows your team to use the same username and password to login to openpath as they use on their computer.

Openpath continues to add features, such as Covid monitoring tools that help you identify how many people are in the office or even when parking lots are too full.

Clark Beggs